School Supplies for the 2024 - 2025 School Year
Kindergarten - 2nd Grades | 3rd - 5th Grade | Lista de útiles de 3.°-5.° grado | 6th - 8th Grades | |
(12) #2 pencils | Backpack | Una Mochila | 12 #2 pencils | |
Large pink erasers | 2 Packs of Post-it Notes | 2 paquetes de 3 "x 3" notas adhesivas |
extra pink erasers |
2 glue sticks | 1 pack of index cards | 1 paquete de fichas o tarjetitas | pens (blue or black) | |
1 box of tissues to share. |
8 composition notebooks (no spiral) (Do Not Label Notebooks-Only Write Students Name) |
8 cuadernos de composición (sin espiral) (No etiquete los cuadernos, solo escriba el nombre del estudiantes) |
1 box of crayons | |
2 boxes of crayons | Math notebook (graph/grid notebook) |
Cuaderno de matemáticas (cuaderno de gráfico/cuadrícula) |
1 box of markers or colored pencils | |
1 box of markers | 1 box of tissues for sharing | 1 caja de pañuelos para compartir | 2 glue sticks | |
backpack | 5 two pocket folders | 5 carpetas de dos bolsillos (de plástico) | 1/2 inch 3-ring binder | |
2 dry-erase markers | 3-Ring Binder, 1 1/2" or 2" | 1 paquete de tarjetas flash de multiplicación (solo y 4.º grado) | 2 composition or spiral notebooks | |
1 pair of safety scissors (blunt tips) | 2 pack wide-ruled, loose leaf paper |
Se queda contigo: |
Dividers-at least 6 | |
1 school box or zipper pouch for school supplies | Dividers-at least 6 | Caja de 24 crayones crayola | 1 pack of graph paper | |
2 pocket folders | 1 pack of Multiplication Flash Cards (3rd & 4th Grade Only) |
1 sacapuntas con tapa |
2 packs of loose leaf paper | |
2 wide-ruled notebooks (with the wire) | For you to keep with you: | 1 paquete de lápices de colores | 4, two-pocket folders | |
1 ruler (inches and centimeters) | Box of 24 crayola crayons | Paquete de gomas de borrar | 2 highlighters | |
Wired earbuds or headphones | 1 pencil sharpener with lid | 2 paquetes de Lápices (Ticonderoga son los mejores) | Scissors | |
Gr. K Mrs. Urena:
2 rolls of paper towel ** Please send in a change of clothes for your child. (shirt, pants, |
1 packet of small, white index cards (Grade 2 only) | 1 pack of colored pencils | 2 marcadores de borrado en seco | 1 set of 3X5 ruled index cards | |
Assorted highlighters (green, yellow, pink, blue, orange) *We will use these a lot! | 3 barras de pegamento | Ruler (inches and centimeters) | ||
Compass | ||||
Graphing calculator (see teacher for clarification and specifics) | ||||
Wired earbuds or headphones | ||||
Pack of erasers | 1 tijera | |||
2 packs of sharpened pencils | Transportador | |||
2 packs of sharpened pencils | Calculadora básica | |||
2 dry erase markers |
2 caja de suministros o cartuchera para guardar sus utensilios |
3 glue sticks |
1 par de auriculares para computadoras “ con cable” (DEBE TENER) |
1 pair of earbuds for computers (MUST HAVE) | ||||
1 pair of scissors | ||||
Protractor | ||||
Basic calculator | ||||
2 Supply Boxes/pencil cases |